
Summary Report of Exhibition

ZonPack has attended Propack in Asia (from 12th-15th) and Propack in Shanghai (from 19th-21th) June.

We found still have more customer need Automatic machine instead of manual. Because products accuracy is good weighing by multihead weigher, and bag seal is better than manual,and machine can working more than 8 hours, therefore invest for machine is move valuable.

We have meet some old and new customer ( from The USA, Australia ,Russia,Turkey…) in our booth. Their products are difference, Such as pet food for pre-made bag \ mixed nuts \ spice flour \coffee bean \ candy\ snacks food \frozen food…..old customer expand products area,new customer find machine to improve production.

Propack in ShanghaiZon Pack focus on Automatic weighing and packing industry more than 15years,Our machines have been sold to more than 45 countries,we try our best to provide customers with high speed,precise and intelligent weighing solution and packing solutions,bring high efficiency and profits to our customers.

 We have new type of weigher, If you are interested in multihead weigher,please dont free to contact us.

Post time: Jun-26-2024